Burak Mahmut Mermerkaya
The purpose of this study was to evaluate tibial tunnel widening prospectively after anterior cruciate ligament ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon grafts using Rigidfix DePuy Mitek Raynham MA femoral fixation and Intrafix DePuy Mitek tibial fixation. Burak Kaymaz 1 Umut Hatay Gölge 1 Gulzade Ozyalvaclı 2 Erkam Kömürcü 1 Ferdi Goksel 1 Musa Ugur Mermerkaya 3 Mahmut Nedim Doral 4 Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy volume 24 pages 37383744 2016Cite this article. Senol Bekmez S Research Works Ankara Guven Hospital Ankara And Other Places A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title abstract and list of authors clicks on a figure or views or downloads the full-text. Burak mahmut mermerkaya . Bilgen Özlük Mahmut Ay Cihan Ünal Cemal Sezer. 3-year outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Johnson Mahmut Nedim Doral Development of femoral trochlear groove in growing rabbit after patellar instability Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthr...